Total Workplace Safety & Health (Total WSH)​

01 Profiling & Onboarding


  • Online Registration Form
    Profiles Company's Safety and health need

  • Term & Conditions
    Enjoy subsidy through the programme if the completed within 12 months

  • kickstart meeting
    General lifestyle survey to recommend suitable module based on company's needs, and to garner management buy-in
Start : Month 0
02 Implementation
  • Implement selected health/safety package(s)
    Entire process (Steps 1 to 4) to be completed within twelve (12) months
03 Intergration & Sustainbility
  • Capability Building Training
    Integrating WSH Risks in risk assessments and self sustaining Total WSH in the company
  • Physical Site Walk-through
    to provide insight and improvement recommendation on company's integration of A-I-ME to their work activities
04 Off Boarding
  • Offboarding Meeting with Management
    to share result and challenges of intervention

  • Company will be presented with
    Final Report
    Total WSH Resources
End : Month 12


Tailor your work practices and workspace to fit employees, reducing strain and injuries with improved ergonomic awareness and solutions



Enhance workplace safety through subject matter training, awareness, and implementing best practices to prevent accidents and injuries



Promote healthy dietary habits with nutritional education, guidance, and initiatives tailored to improve employee health and vitality

<b>Health Screening & Coaching</b>


Identify health risks early through screenings and provide follow-up coaching to improve health outcomes and lifestyles

<b>Physical Activity</b>


Encourage a more active lifestyle among employees with programmes designed to increase physical fitness and overall well-being

<b>Mental Well-Being</b>


Address mental health through awareness programmes, stress management techniques, and support systems to foster a resilient workforce


Interested companies may contact the following

Isaac Tan (Mr.)
Tel : +65 9737 8315
Email :

Total WSH programme is brought to you by the Workplace Safety and Health Council (WSHC)

Click Here To Register