Behavior Based Safety

What is BBS?

In 80% of all accidents, the cause can be linked back to the behaviour of an employee. As such, the employee are often blamed for the accidents. But, so far, such a blame game has failed to materialise any safety performance increase.

Behaviour Based Safety is a fresh approach to improving safety performance. It looks at the psychological aspect of human behaviour  so as to correct the root cause of unsafe behaviour and identifies potential ways to encourage safe behaviour.

What is BBS TT

BBS Train the Trainer is a programme offered by Chubb Global Risk Advsiror Asia Pacific that help to train participant so that they can pass down the knowledge at their workplace and manage & setup a BBS System.

the programme will cover

    • The foundations of BBS,
    • Conduct of the BBS observation 
    • Feedback process ,the anaylsis and interpretation of BBS-related data.
    • BBS observational and coaching ( to improve questioning and feedback skills.) 

Course Duration
2 Days , 9 hour each

Class Size
Min 20/ Max 25


$350 before GST (Teabreak included)

Peace Center
1 SOPHIA ROAD #05-34 Singapore 228149

Course Outline:

    • Appreciate the need and understanding the rationale for Behavioural Based Safety Observation and Feedback in the organization
    • Recognize that people have different attitudes, beliefs and value systems that affect their work behaviours
    • To generate Work-Centre Behaviour Checklist (WBC). This is defined precisely and operationally so that all participants can observe objectively and reliably. Provide exercises to participants on generating WBC.
    • To use the WBC to observe and evaluate the work practices of individuals or groups.
    • To discuss successes and failures with observation and feedback procedures to continually improve the BBS process.
    • To share the results with the people being observed in one-to-one coaching sessions and at group meetings.
    • To develop intervention techniques to decrease resistance and increase long-term involvement in the safety process.
    • Know the performance indicators relating to BBS and to analyse the trend and implement measures for continual improvement.

Who Should attend

    • Safety professional
    • Employees dealing with safety reporting
    • Management
    • Companies that want to do more to protect thier workers